Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It's a darn shame that this cold rainy weather won't let up. For a little cheer me up, I planted my spring garden right inside my living room today. I am sucker for succulants. I love the way these babies look in shallow ceramic pots or tall stone containers. You need absolutely no apparatus, but your own bare hands. Put them in a sunny window and water every 7 to 10 days. How easy is that?

1) Fill a shallow garden container with cactus soil leaving a 1" lip to the top.

2) Collect a bunch of your favorite succulents. Hyannis Country Garden at 380 West Main Street has a great selection and abundant coaching on pampering your new little youngsters-- like which plants adore hair frizzing humidity and which ones thrive on complete deprivation. I chose the later. For me, gold fish and plants come under the same category, "Great to look at, but don't make me lift a finger to take care of you."

3) Dig a little hole with your fingers and pop 'em in. Cover the hole with soil. If you don't like your first attempt, try your artistic talents again. These little guys are toughies and can handle even the most uncoordinated-like me.

4) My next suggestion would be to collect some Monomoy river rocks and layer the entire surface. But, given the frigid climes, I'll take a walk out to my driveway and see what I can find.

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